Know How
Microfiche Scanning
Using state of the art equipment, our in-depth knowledge and specialist operators, we can give our clients not only the piece of mind they require that we will look after your documents as though they were our own, but also the knowledge that you will never feel like your documents are away with our free, 24 hour file retrieval service.
Quality is
our Priority
Document Scanning
Every page we scan is checked against the original document for accuracy and legibility. You can be assured that quality and customer service are our priorities, not speed and volume like other service bureaus. Reputations count for everything and once we gain you as a client we will be the company you come back to time and time again.
the Whole UK
Large Format Scanning
Paper Capture Ltd covers the whole of the UK. With multiple offices we are able to cover requirements Nationwide, from Lands End to John O'Groats. Often available to collect with just 24 hours notice, we are ideally positioned to help you quickly with any requirement.
Microfiche Scanning

More Items of Interest


Legal Admissibility for Scanned Documents

BIP0008 is the legal admissibility standard for electronic documents, and compliance will ensure your documents are accepted as if they were originals in both a court of law and by HMRC.


Something you can't find?

If you have come to this website and can't find what you are looking for we are sorry. We are more than willing to help you with what you need - our advice is free, just let us know via the contact form. Alternately, click above to visit our resources page and see who we recommend.


Free File Retrievals

Our file retrieval service is completely free of charge. If you need a document whilst we have it, we will scan and email it securely, for FREE!


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